Bald Knob Schools will be on a 2 hour delayed start tomorrow, Friday, February 21. School will start at 9:50. Buses will be running snow routes and you can find that information in the link below. If your student normally gets picked up by the bus at 7:05, they will get picked up at approximately 9:05 tomorrow. Students will be fed both breakfast and lunch.
18 days ago, Bald Knob Public Schools
A final decision has been made for finalizing the district tournament. The tournament will be played Friday, Saturday, and Monday. All games will be live-streamed through our YouTube channel below. Brackets and times are available on Facebook and our Livefeed!
19 days ago, Lonnie Roberson
girls bracket
boys bracket
Bald Knob Schools will be closed Thursday, February 20th due to road conditions and winter weather. We hope everyone is enjoying their time at home and staying warm!
19 days ago, Bald Knob Public Schools
School closure February 20th
Bald Knob Schools will be closed Wednesday, February 19th due to weather and road conditions. Enjoy your snow day!
20 days ago, Bald Knob Public Schools
Snow day
Tonight's district tournament games have been postponed. After the weather makes it's way through a decision will be made on when to finish the games. As soon as a decision is made we will post the remainder of the brackets and dates for the games.
20 days ago, Lonnie Roberson
Due to the forecast of inclement weather, Bald Knob Schools will dismiss at 12:30 PM on Tuesday, February 18th to ensure the safety of our students and staff. If the forecast changes and the weather arrives sooner than expected, the dismissal time may be moved up earlier in the day. Any changes will be announced as soon as possible. An announcement regarding possible school closures for Wednesday will be made later tomorrow evening. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Stay safe and warm!
21 days ago, Bald Knob Public Schools
Due to possible incoming weather the school board work session will be tonight at 5:00 in the district administration building.
22 days ago, Bald Knob Public Schools
Tonight's 3A-6 District Tournament games start at 4pm. Come out and support our school as we host the tournament. Both the Bulldogs and Lady Bulldogs have a bye for the first round of the tournament! Games can be streamed at this link:
22 days ago, Lonnie Roberson
sr boys bracket
sr girls bracket
Thanks for bringing so much joy and positivity to our school. Have a blast!
22 days ago, Bald Knob Public Schools
Here is a look at the 3A-6 Sr High District Tournament brackets. The Sr girls bracket is finalized and the boys bracket will be finalized after tonight's conference game against Episcopal Collegiate. The tournament will begin Monday the 17th at Bald Knob High School. We look forward to seeing you there!
24 days ago, Lonnie Roberson
Boy’s Bracket
Girl’s Bracket
All of these young men have spent two mornings a week getting better. They have finished BK quarterback academy. They worked on throwing mechanics and the ability to read multiple coverages.
25 days ago, Lonnie Roberson
We hope your day is as awesome as you are.
25 days ago, Bald Knob Public Schools
Congratulations again to our Jr High Boys basketball team they finished the year with an undefeated conference record. They also won the first conference title since 2014 and finished the 3A-6 District Tournament as runner-up! Go Dogs!
25 days ago, Lonnie Roberson
Tomorrow's conference finale against Episcopal Collegiate has been moved to a 5pm start time. This will be our final regular season game before starting tournament play.
26 days ago, Lonnie Roberson
If you see any of these Jr Girls or their coaches today make sure you congratulate them on their 3A-6 Conference and District Championships. They played a phenomenal game last night to remain undefeated in conference and district tournament play.
26 days ago, Lonnie Roberson
It’s time to celebrate! Happy Birthday, Mrs. Jackie!
26 days ago, Bald Knob Public Schools
Join us at Parent-Teacher Conferences this Thursday from 4:00-7:00 p.m.
28 days ago, Bald Knob Public Schools
There will be a special board meeting this Thursday, February 13th at 5:00 to discuss real estate acquisition. The meeting will be held in the board room at the District Administration Offices.
28 days ago, Bald Knob Public Schools
Your passion and dedication inspire us all. Happy Birthday!
28 days ago, Bald Knob Public Schools
Tomorrow's walk through is being moved to 2pm. This will allow us to avoid the rain and go straight from the walk through to the pep rally.
28 days ago, Lonnie Roberson