Pandemic-EBT (P-EBT) is a federal program designed to provide food support to families with children who were receiving free and reduced-price school meals and missed school for COVID-related absences. It can help families pay for food when students are absent from school due to a COVID-19 related isolation/quarantine. The Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), in collaboration with the Department of Human Services (DHS), received approval to operate this program in response to the COVID-19 related school closures for school year 2021-22.
To be eligible a student must: Qualify for free and reduced priced meal, AND Have been absent from school due to COVID-19 isolation/quarantine.
**Benefits are allowed only on planned school calendar days. Benefits are not allowed on weekends or holidays.
For students whose instruction choice was in-person, the households can contact the Bald Knob School District at (501) 724-3714 and complete the Arkansas Parent-Initiated P-EBT Application. The school district will verify the absences, approve the application, and submit the student’s information to DESE. Return/submit the completed application (either via google form or paper application) to your child’s school by July 29, 2022. If you have questions or need help, contact Stephanie Biram at (501) 724-3714 x 131.
For the online form template, click here.
For a copy of the paper application, click here.