Bringing Back the Bulldogs: Ready for Learning Plan & Instructional Options

Looking for more understanding about the 2020-2021 instructional options you have for your children? Bald Knob Public Schools is here to help. The Ready for Learning Committee has been diligently working to ensure a rich learning environment for students and staff no matter the location. As a result, the district is offering both on-site and remote learning. We stand committed to serve you and your children to the best of our ability. If you have additional questions, please feel free to reach out to us at (501) 724-3273.

2020-2021 Ready for Learning Operational Plan:

2020-2021 Ready for Learning District Support Plan:

2020-2021 Overview of Instructional Options:

2020-2021 On-Site Blended Learning Plan:

2020-2021 Remote Virtual Learning Plan: