White County Office of Emergency Management has begun enrollment for "White County Alerts." This is through the platform CodeRED by OnSolve. We have a launch date set for October 1, 2023 to begin sharing emergency information to our citizens. This is available for any type of incident where life or property could be saved, where hazards to a scene and responders can be mitigated, where multiple replicated 911 calls causing congestion can be avoided, and much, much more. This is for ALL of White County, meaning it serves for every city as well as the rural areas and all districts.
To register, scan the QR code or visit
For those who do not have access or the ability to sign up online, through text or the QR code, please call 501-279-6277, and the White County Office of Emergency Management will assist in getting you established with the means of communication that best fits your needs.