Late Start Information:

WHAT?  Wednesday Late Start Collaboration Time on 5-Day School Weeks

WHEN? Beginning with the 2023-2024 school year, Wednesdays within a 5-day school 

week will be delayed with the following start time for school: 

Grades  K-5 - 8:50 AM 

Grades 6-12 - 8:40 AM

The Wednesday Late Start dates are published on the BKPS homepage in the calendar section.

WHY? To support staff and high levels of learning for all students by expanding 

professional collaboration opportunities for teams of educators (i.e. regular and 

special education teachers) to:

  • Analyze student data

  • Plan common assessments, curriculum and instruction

  • Develop cross disciplinary activities

  • Design interventions and enrichments

WHERE? Collaborative team sessions will involve teams of educators at their school sites.

Background Information:

Bald Knob Public Schools has three primary focuses to ensure high levels of learning for all: (1) creating a safe, collaborative culture, (2) ensuring effective teaching in every classroom, and (3) ensuring a guaranteed and viable curriculum that is rigorous for every student.

Professional collaboration is at the heart of BKPS’s goals and is built in throughout the school year through the use of collaborative teams. Collaborative teams are an integral part of providing support for all students to learn at high levels. Collegial relationships that result from collaborative work within high-functioning learning communities support continuous adult learning, building of expertise, and the improvement of professional practice. Effective professional collaboration requires dedicated time available on a regular basis and educators sharing responsibility for the learning of all students.


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